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Phil Meadows beat Terry Kirby and Tony Tofield as the “podium” finishers at the 2016 East Anglian Open. It was held at the ever-improving Lakeside course near St Ives which provided a stern test for all the entrants.
The final results were
Handigolfers;- 1st Phil Meadows 32pts, 2nd Terry Kirby 29 pts, 3rd Tony Tofield 22pts.
Other Disabled Golfers;- 1st Alan Baker, 2nd Andy Greenhill, 3rd Keith Dolman.
Able-bodied players;- 1st Martin Eaton, 2nd Dave Bignal, 3rd Mick Roche

The photo shows Phil and Terry deciding where the winning shots were made while tournament organiser Paul Meadows (also in canary yellow !) and amputee golfer Keith Dolman look on.