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After 25+ years of playing golf with The Handigolf Foundation and organising many tournaments including The Nationals and The Southern Open, Eric and Tony Tofield have put their golf clubs and buggy into the back of the garage for the last time.
Both have been active Comittee Members and Eric has been the only Handicap Secretary the Foundation has had. Monitoring playing Handicaps has been an essential part of the success of Wheelchair Golf in the UK and we believe that this group of players has had the most accurate set of playing allowances of any disabled golf sectors in the UK and Europe. This has been due to the diligence of Eric.
Tony has been particularly active in also promoting disabled golf in the Kent and SE region which has had more players and events than any other County in the UK.
After some health problems Eric is set to play his golf locally at West Kent and Tony is to devote more time to his Gardening Business.
The Handigolf Foundation has had great benefits from the enthusiasm, support and hard work given by the Tofields over the last quarter century and would not be in the same place without their efforts.